Our vision
Our vision is to be a loving Church family which makes Christ known, is committed to growing in discipleship. We long to see lives and our local community transformed through the power of the Gospel message and the work of the Holy Spirit.
We seek to make this a reality through reflecting God’s GRACE as Christ-centred and Christ-shaped people who are:
Growing … in our relationship with Christ and committed to making the Gospel known.
Relevant … to people of all ages, background and faith journey.
Accountable … to God and to each other.
Community-Minded … in building a loving, welcoming, supportive and flourishing church family.
Empowering … in encouraging and nurturing all to use their God-given gifts to serve and grow God’s kingdom.
Our faith
God is the loving ruler of the world and he made us to live in a special relationship with him. Everyone has rebelled against God, the one who created us. All of us have tried and failed to run our own lives, and our world, by ourselves. If we continue in our rebellion against God, he will exclude us from relationship with him now and forever.
Because of his love for us, God, the Father, sent Jesus, his Son, into the world so that we don’t have to suffer the consequences of our rebellion. Jesus died on the cross and was cut off from his Father in our place. He rose from the dead to show that he had paid the full penalty for our rebellion.
As a result of Jesus’ death, God offers us a new start in our relationship with him. We can continue to reject him or we can let God into our lives and receive his Holy Spirit. This leads to forgiveness of all our sins and a new start in our relationship with God as our Father, in the power of the Holy Spirit and under the Lordship of Christ, obedient to his will as revealed in the Bible.
Click the link below to watch a short video about the Christian faith.